Organizational Introduction and Declaration of Rights and Responsibilities
Morphine Ampoule

空想家俱乐部为满足读者与作者之间互动需求, 而建立的一个引导性组织。主要目的是通过建 立一套被大家所接受的评论机制,在帮助作者 获取有效评价,客观提高写作水平的同时,引导其他读者积极参与评论反馈,建立良好的互动环境。

如果吗啡是激进与宽慰,那么安瓿就是克制与危害。我们深刻理 解外部的评论会对创作者带来什么样的影响,并且谨慎地驱使其 使之发挥有限但可靠的正面作用。我们完全明白,评论中包含着 安瓿瓶无法避免的玻璃渣,当吗啡宽慰人心之时,安瓿也在伤害 着病患。

Policy and Mission
Power and Responsibility
Equity policy
The review team only evaluates the work based on internal standards, and the evaluation results cannot be used as a basis for any commercial behavior or as a definition of the work. 评论组仅依照组内标准针对作品进行评价,评价结果不能作为任何商业行为依据,也不能作为对作品的定义。 Unless otherwise agreed, the review group does not own any ownership of the work and only displays works authorized by the author. 除非特殊约定,否则评论组不拥有任何作品的所有权,只展示经过作者授权的作品。 The displayed work shall not be copied by anyone or used for any commercial purpose. Any embezzlement behavior generated through the comment group has the right to be held accountable through legal means. 被展示的作品不得被任何人复制,也不得用于任何商业用途。任何通过评论组产生的盗用行为,评论组有权通过法律途径进行追责。
Anti Discrimination Policy
The comment group should widely select the sources of the works being reviewed, and shall not prioritize or exclude any fantasy literary works.
The comment group shall not differentiate ratings for any individual or group. The rating should be objective and fair, and not influenced by external environment and personal preferences.
The comment group does not oppose any political or cultural demands that do not affect the work. All comments in the comment group are based solely on literary significance.
The comment group does not accept any political correctness or preset cultural and historical background requirements. At the same time, the comment group does not accept any complaints related to it.
All actions of the comment group are ultimately explained by UTPON CLUB.
评论组所有行为均由 UTPON CLUB 进行最终解释。

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